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Current Knight Classes Available


Recommended Ages: 

13 and up

Recommended Prerequisite Skills:

Some previous experience with game development or demonstrated mastery in Adventurer level class. 


Those embarking on their journey as Knights will have their work cut out for them, but Knights never run from a challenge! For those who can't stop thinking about cool game ideas, have the foundational understanding of game design to build something awesome, and who have the discipline to see their vision realized as a fully published game, this class is their time to shine! This is a single, long term project that will see students create a unique polished, published game from their own concept to completion.

The Knight level classes are in full swing and we are neck deep in creating already. However,  if there are interested students in this age / skill group, please contact about how to get involved, and make sure you're signed up on the mailing list on the home page to find out about freeplay events and open houses!

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